Sunday, December 7, 2008

Anonymous Rudeness

I checked my blog and recently saw a comment that had words to this effect:
"What twaddle! You are obviously free from intellectual distractions."
I'm not sure who made this post, since they did not bother leaving a name. I do have a bone to pick with this person, since their comment inferred that I am some kind of frivolous nitwit. While I do have a fun-loving, frivolous nature, and it is far too easy for me to lapse into outright silliness, I do not consider myself to be an intellectual lightweight. And I think that anyone who knows me would agree.

This blog is not meant to be an intellectual treatise; nor is it a platform for me to expound my beliefs about current affairs. If I choose to do so, I will. This blog exists for a simple reason: it's my way of having fun and sharing my life with others. This is my place for posting pictures, video clips, and generally having fun being a contributor to the vast expanse of content that is the World Wide Web.

Now, if this anonymous poster had disagreed with a view of mine, that's an entirely different matter. I don't mind that, since I know that I'm not always right. Not to get too mystical about it, but I am a Gemini, and I can easily see two (or three or four) sides to every situation, and you just might convert me to your point of view.

But just to leave a nasty anonymous comment and leave? That's just rude!


Cristy said...

Twaddle? What kind of word is twaddle? Ok, here's my take.

It's your blog. If you want to write meaningless twaddle, who cares. And if you took the time to write it, it obviously isn't twaddle is it? You can dress some people's kids up, you just can't take them anywhere. Or allow them to comment on your blog.

And as a fellow Gemini, boy do i ever know about all 14 sides to an argument.

Love you,


Scott said...

Thank you, my dear. I appreciate your support. I'm sure I'm really making more of this than I should, but it really stuck in my craw.

We Geminis really come from a different place, I think, but we're so versatile and charming that I don't think people should mind! According to astrologists, we're supposed to be the most stimulating companions around. So there!

Love you,