Friday, March 27, 2009

Getting Raw

We all have our little quirks -- our little weirdities, if I may be so bold as to use a phrase out of the urban dictionary -- that make us individuals. Some of us like to sing in the shower, or clean the house to stripper music. This blog post is about the weird foods we like to eat. We all have them. Admit it. Some of you like that odd sandwich that you would make for yourself but never for anyone else. In the Janet Evanovich Plum series, Stephanie likes peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. I can't say that I have any desire to try that. However, I do like some of these culinary delights that could be construed by some as weird:
  • Raw biscuit dough
  • Mustard and pickle sandwiches (this is all I add to cheeseburgers)
  • Scrambled egg and mayonnaise sandwich (add salt and pepper please)
  • Black bean patties with a fried egg on top (don't judge - this is like a healthier Egg McMuffin)
  • Club crackers dipped in Hidden Valley Ranch dressing (has to be the homemade stuff)
  • Cream cheese right out of the package
  • Lay's Potato Chips with dill pickle slices
These are just a few. I was inspired to write this and share my culinary secrets because tonight, I succumbed to my urge for raw biscuit dough. Jeff was making dessert and it had a topping made of crescent rolls. He made the topping and was going to throw away the rest. I snatched it out of his hand and gobbled it up, much to his astonishment. I was in heaven while he and Leah were backing slowly out of the kitchen. I love making monkey bread because I get to play with raw biscuit dough and occasionally treat myself to one of the wedges I've chopped up for the recipe. After all, I see that as the cook's prerogative. 

What are some of your food quirks? 


Cristy said...

I like crunchy Cheetos with a Hershey bar. In a bind I like Salt n Vinegar chips with a Hershey's w/ Almonds. Of course, it's best if you wash it down with a Dr. Pepper.

I also like cream cheese straight. I also like it on a sandwich with pickles. I prefer bread n butter chip pickles, but you can use whatever kind you like.

One of my favorite treats growing up, when we were at my dad's, was dried, salted squid. Yummy!

I could go on and on.

I'm so glad you blogged. I was starting to get the shakes.

Love you,


Scott said...

Gosh, you're making me hungry now! The Dr. Pepper, I think, seals it all off. I've never had cream cheese with pickles, but I have a co-worker who likes cream cheese with chopped up olives on a sandwich. I'm going to have to try that sometime. Squid...hmmm....I may have to let you have that all to yourself. :)

I'm going to try to be more regular about blogging. Maybe some oat bran will help. Bah-doom-cha! Thank you, I'll be here all week!

I hope you and yours are having a great weekend!

Love you,

Monica said...

I love to eat the popcorn kernels in the bottom of the bowl. Yes, the completely unpopped ones. Limon chips, pepperjack cheese (not so abnormal I suppose), brownie mix (all mixed up, just not baked), chocolate chip cookie dough (sometimes I'll buy a tube of it with the sole purpose to keep in the freezer to eat when I feel like it). And I do like cream cheese, too. Yummy!

Scott said...

Oh, my goodness... you must have teeth of granite. :) I always taste the brownie mix (or any cake batter) before baking it. That's how you can tell it's going to turn out right. I like the Limon chips too, and I love cookie dough of just about any variety. I forgot one, though. When I've had a really bad day, I'll buy a box of Velveeta Shells & Cheese Light and eat the whole box. There's not much there anyway, but it's a huge amount of salty cheese & carbs and guaranteed to chase the blues away. A glass of wine helps too.