Saturday, February 7, 2009

I've Had It!

OK, I have really had it this time. I am sick to death of the cold season. Somehow, I have managed to catch yet another cold (insert expletives here). This one will be short-lived, I hope, because I'm pumping my body with every supplement and vitamin I can get my hands on. I'm swabbing my nostrils with Zicam. The worst part of this is that I had to cancel a second date with a really great guy. I certainly don't want to give him this cold. Hopefully, we can reschedule when I'm feeling better and -- most importantly -- not contagious. So, I will be spending the weekend trying to get better. And the weather is so pretty this weekend -- it will be a shame not to be able to enjoy it.

Work was extremely rough this week. We had more layoffs, and many of them were in the training group. I am deeply saddened that these co-workers and good friends are no longer there. At one point, I had to retire to the restroom because I was just so overcome by what had happened and I had to shed a few tears. I want to help them as much as I can, so I'll keep my ears to the ground for jobs or other networking opportunities. But there is an incredibly rough job market out there, and it's frightening for all of us.

Postscript: Date has been rescheduled for Friday the 13th! :-D

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