Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Scott Hasn't Been Meandering Lately

I have shamefully neglected the blog lately because school has been a bit busy and because I've discovered how much fun Facebook can be. I promise that I will pay more attention to the blog and get back to doing some fun posts. I send big hugs to all who read The Meanderings of Scott and have not complained too much about the paucity of recent blog posts. I guess my hesitation is because I've had some really interesting things going on in my personal life lately and I want to see how things develop before I commit too much of them to a blog posting. So, please bear with me while I play my cards a bit close to the vest right now.

Does that make any sense, gentle readers?


Cristy said...

I understand that completely. But don't take too long between posts. You know I'll go into withdrawals.

Love you,


Scott said...

Thank you, my dear. I won't take too long between posts, I promise. I hope you're having a great week!

Love you!

Scott :)

Anonymous said...

Who you callin' gentle? Or did you mean "genital?"


Hope everything's going well in your personal life! :)


Scott said...

Some of my readers may well be genital readers, for all I know. :)

Things are going fine with me. I hope you're doing well too!!

See you on Monday for more fun and games.
