Sometimes, I can really do good little jobs around the house, and sometimes I'm completely hopeless. Many months ago, Jeff had bought some "Power Lock" baskets that were supposed to hermetically seal themselves to a tile wall and hold our various toiletries. However, they didn't work all that well. More than once, I had the life scared out of me when a basket came loose and clanged into the bottom of the bathtub, sending shower gel and other various toiletries hither and yon. So, I bought a nice shower tower from the Container Store when Karen and I went prowling around in Southlake on Sunday. I decided to assemble the shower tower on Monday night.
It seemed like an easy task. You slide the little baskets over the poles and join them together. Easy squeezy, right? Well, it may well be easy squeezy, but it was extremely challenging for me. I cursed and huffed and puffed, and then once I got it all put in (notice the large gaps between the baskets) I sat down and laughed at myself for getting all worked up over something so silly.
So, for what it's worth, here's my handiwork. Tah-dah! The baskets are not evenly placed, but what the hell? They hold stuff, right?
i am so horrible at stuff like that. I saw a sign on teh side of teh road advertising a new business-Some Assembly Required. If it needs to be assembled, he'll assemble it for you. I just might pay for something like that!
Love you,
And one day, I'll remember to proof read before I hit send.
That sounds like a great idea! I always cringe when it's a 'some assembly required' item. It would be nice if they would qualify it as 'some easy assembly required' or 'some hard-ass assembly required.' I would much rather pay for assembly.
Love you,
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