Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lots of cursing

Sometimes, I can really do good little jobs around the house, and sometimes I'm completely hopeless. Many months ago, Jeff had bought some "Power Lock" baskets that were supposed to hermetically seal themselves to a tile wall and hold our various toiletries. However, they didn't work all that well. More than once, I had the life scared out of me when a basket came loose and clanged into the bottom of the bathtub, sending shower gel and other various toiletries hither and yon. So, I bought a nice shower tower from the Container Store when Karen and I went prowling around in Southlake on Sunday. I decided to assemble the shower tower on Monday night.

It seemed like an easy task. You slide the little baskets over the poles and join them together. Easy squeezy, right? Well, it may well be easy squeezy, but it was extremely challenging for me. I cursed and huffed and puffed, and then once I got it all put in (notice the large gaps between the baskets) I sat down and laughed at myself for getting all worked up over something so silly.

So, for what it's worth, here's my handiwork. Tah-dah! The baskets are not evenly placed, but what the hell? They hold stuff, right?

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Favorite Restaurant in Fort Worth?

As a life-long resident of Fort Worth and the greater Metroplex, and as someone who is not the skinniest person to come down the pike, I've had many a great meal in my day. But this past year, I discovered what has become my favorite restaurant in Fort Worth. It's one of those places that when we go out to lunch, I automatically put it first and my fellow cubicle dwellers often indulge me, since they like it too. It's Byblos, which is a Fort Worth institution on the North Side of town. Byblos is a neighbor to one of my favorite Tex-Mex places: El Rancho Grande. But while El Rancho is a now and then treat, I could eat at Byblos all the time. Generally, I stick with vegetarian food while I'm there: the salads, spreads (hummus and tahini), and vegetables. I also love the dohlmas and falafel.

On Friday, to celebrate the warm weather, Fran suggested we go out to lunch. When she asked where I wanted to go, I said "Byblos!" It's one of her favorites too, and we found two others who eagerly wanted to enjoy the lunch buffet. For $9.99, it's all you can eat Lebanese goodness, including dessert and unlimited pita bread. A few months ago, I took Shane there for lunch and he loved it!

Byblos is an exotic place -- at least on the inside. I've never been there at night when they have belly dancers, and I haven't ventured into the hookah lounge yet. Since I live in Lewisville now, I have to be content with Byblos for lunch, but if I lived closer, I would be there much more often.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Get Me a Hazmat Suit!

I swear -- and my mother always told me not to swear -- it seems like everyone at work is still sick and not getting any better. Just about everyone I know is either coming down with a cold or trying to finally get rid of one. Sneezing and hacking sounds are more prevalent than phone calls. When I was at the doctor's office a few weeks ago, I mentioned that I was trying to get over a cold and the nurse tersely said, "You and everyone else in Fort Worth." Colds -- fueled by allergies -- usually turn into sinus infections, and life gets really moist and miserable. I just got over my cold, and I have the final remnants of a cough plaguing me, but I am not going to get sick again. Say it with me: Scott is not going to get sick! I've finally gotten to the point where I can laugh without sounding like I've been smoking for eons, and I've gotten enough lung power to sing again in the car (which could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on your vantage point), but I'm not back 100% yet and I don't want to catch this mess again.

In other late-breaking news, I'm shopping around for a camcorder. One of my classes this semester is an introduction to video technology. I would like to learn more about creating videos, and I have to be able to submit video projects for class assignments. I've been researching them for the past few days. I have to go with Mini DV, so I can probably get something quite reasonable. My other class focuses on doing critical reading on various educational topics. I don't think I have to buy any textbooks this term, so I don't mind spending some money on a video camera. I have always secretly wanted one, anyway.

What else is going on? I posted a personals ad on Yahoo! personals. I bit the bullet and paid for the subscription. I have a friend who called the computer 'the magic boy box.' I'm not looking for a boyfriend, but I would like to find guys to meet and see if anything further develops.

That's all the news I have to report from here. I hope everyone is having a good weekend. If you're in the D/FW area, stay warm and try to get over your cold! :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A New President

Around 10:50 this morning, I heard soft footsteps behind my desk chair. Glenna - my wonderful boss - came running around to gather us all to see Barack Obama's inauguration. She whispered, "Come on, let's go watch history being made!" We went out to the commons area on our floor and I pulled up a chair and got comfortable. Several people on our floor joined us. Unfortunately, we were watching a channel where there was endless news commentary. The talking heads stopped talking long enough for us to see Joe Biden's swearing-in, and then there was more talking, and then Dianne Feinstein came out and we didn't get to hear all that she had to say, since the yapping had continued. Then, there was Chief Justice Roberts and the Lincoln Inaugural Bible and the big moment had arrived.

On a side note, there was a book published in 2005 that suggested that Lincoln might have had lavender leanings. Here's a link to a NY Times Book Review article about it. Interesting stuff. I haven't read the book, so I can't give you a personal review. I heard an interview with the author who wrote the forward on SIRIUS OutQ radio one afternoon and the book sounded interesting.

Personally, I liked the fact that Obama's speech had a more somber tone to it. I didn't want to hear a rah-rah sis-boom-bah speech full of happy talk. These are somber times. Our roommate is filling a vacancy at work for a receptionist position, and she is sifting through almost 400 resumés. Some of the applicants are completely overqualified, but the job market is so tight. A friend told me that her brother was looking for a part-time job and he couldn't even find a vacancy in retail jobs. I walked out of a Kroger grocery store on Saturday because I thought the prices were just too high. I then drove over to Super Walmart and paid what I felt was a more reasonable amount. Normally, I'm not a Walmart shopper, but it was later at night and Super Target (my normal store of choice, especially since it's so close by) was already closed.

My wise and dear friend Cristy published a great blog posting about her thoughts prior to Obama's inauguration. I liked what Obama said about that it wasn't whether or not our government was too big or too small, but whether or not it still worked for us. I admit that I've been cynical and blasé about government, especially during the last eight years, because I didn't think my voice counted for much. Maybe it still doesn't, but that doesn't mean I shouldn't try to make it heard. I think we all have the responsibility to make our voices heard.

Monday, January 19, 2009

My apologies

I made a blog post a few days ago about dating and what I'm generally looking for in the people I want to date. However, on second glance, the post was a bit tactless and it actually (and completely unintentionally) did hurt someone I had briefly dated back in December, so I have removed it. I suspect that I hadn't completely thought through the posting before I published it, and it came back to bite me. My goal with this blog is to express myself and share what's going on in my life. It certainly isn't a forum for me to hurt anyone's feelings - whether intentionally or unintentionally.

Lesson learned - shame on me.

Clean Bill of Health

Even though I've been suffering from the same cold, allergies, and sinus infection that have plagued just about everyone in the D/FW area, I got a clean bill of health from my recent physical. All functions were normal (no jokes, please) and my cholesterol levels and blood pressure were in good shape. And since I'm getting back out in the dating world, I had her check me for transmittable diseases of a more intimate nature, and everything came back negative. I didn't think it would be otherwise, but it never hurts to double-check these things.

This weekend was pretty low key. I spent Saturday out in the Settlement for little Shaney's birthday. He wanted pizza, so we had Pizza Hut delivered. I did some computer work for them and got Dad's iPod hooked back up. I gave them my old iPod a few months back, and Dad has taken to that device like a duck to water. He accidentally restored it, which took some figuring on how to get everything back. After you restore an iPod, you actually have to connect it to an Apple AC adapter or into a powerful AC iPod adapter to do the firmware update. I don't have an Apple AC adapter any more, so I used the iPod adapter in my car and it did the trick. After coming home, I found that Leah and Jeff had gone out, so I made myself some dinner and ultimately went out to buy groceries. It was a bit late, so I had to sidestep the stockers at Walmart. They weren't too happy to see shoppers, so I tried to be as inobtrusive as possible and stay out of their way while getting what we needed. Today, I spent most of the day in my room, playing on the Internet and watching TV.

Unfortunately, I don't get MLK day off, but since others do, I should have a pain-free commute tomorrow morning! :-) I hope everyone has a great week. We had Obama's inaugural concert tonight (I saw some clips from it - it looked fantastic) and the full festivities on Tuesday.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Colds Are Icky II - The Return

Gah! I've been stricken with yet another cold. And owls are STILL assholes! I have my physical on Monday and if the doctor feels so inclined to give me something to relieve my cough, I'll be ever so grateful to her. I know how I got the cold, and I don't regret the reason why I got the cold, but the fact remains that I have the cold and now I want to get rid of the damn thing.

Aside from that, things are going generally very well at home. Leah goes out of town next week to do some training (in Phoenix), and Jeff and I each still have some time off before school starts on January 20. We just had cable put in, and I feel like we're getting caught up with pop culture. On January 18, we can watch Obama's inauguration on HBO. I'm really digging the HD channels on cable and watch them every chance I get. But today, I found myself watching a marathon of The Jeffersons on TVLand. I got the eye-rolls from everyone here, but I feel that when you're sick, you can eat what you want and you can watch what you want on television.

Leah just celebrated her birthday, and my brother celebrates the big 3-6 on Friday. My mom asked me last night if I could believe that she would be turning 70 in 2010. I said I certainly could, because that's the year I turn 40. There's one good thing about being born in a year ending with zero; the math is always easier.

Other than that, I don't have much to report. I hope everyone is having a great week! :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Meryl Streep in Postcards

While I'm at it, I'll post another favorite Meryl clip. Here she is singing I'm Checking Out from Postcards from the Edge. I think Cristy and I saw this delightful movie at the theater, and I'm glad to have it on DVD.

Meryl Streep in Mamma Mia

I treated myself to the DVD of Mamma Mia for Christmas. It's not a great movie, but it certainly is fun. Unless you just loathe ABBA, you cannot watch this movie and be depressed. Here's a clip of the incandescent Meryl Streep singing The Winner Takes It All. She is so awesome in this movie.

Enjoy the clip!